Ahad Nama in Roman English

Ahad Nama in Roman English


Benefits of Ahad Nama

The Holy Prophet Muhammad has said: “The one who recites Ahad Nama regularly and seeks forgiveness from Allah.

Allah will count that person among those whose Du’a is accepted.” Recitation of these verses increases sustenance and protects the life and possessions of the reciter. He is liked by people. Ahad Nama also makes a person chaste, humble, and sincere.

Drinking water in which this Surah has been written keeps the heart safe from ailments. “Whoever recites Ahad Naamah one in his lifetime, he will be taken away with Imaan [true faith] in his heart.”And Rasulullah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim says that he guarantees that this person will go to Jannah [Paradise].

If a person recites Ahad Naamah regularly, he or she reaps the following benefits: Secures Allah’s pleasure, Drives Shaytaan away, Increases one’s livelihood, Lights up the grave, and Provides comfortable bedding in the grave, Helps to answer with ease the questioning of Munkar and Nakir in the grave, Provides shelter on the Day of Judgment, Crowns one on the Day of Reckoning, Gets Allah’s pardon on the Day of Judgment, Increases the weight of good deeds on the scale, Helps one crossing the Bridge of “Siraat” without any difficulty,


Ahad Nama in Roman English
Ahad Nama in Roman English



Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Allahumma Faatiras Samaawaati Wal Ardhi Aalimalghaybi Wash shahaadati Antar Rahmaanur Raheem. Allahumma Inni Aahadu Ilayka Fihaazihil Hayaatiddunyaa Wa Ash Hadu Allaailaaha Illa Anta Wahdaka Laasharika Laka Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abduka Wa Rasuluka Falaa Takilni Ilaa Nafsi FaInnaka In,
Translation: In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful O Allah! The Creator of the skies and the earth The Knower of the hidden and the open You are The Beneficent, The Merciful O Allah! I promise you in this earthly life and I bear witness that that there is no one worthy of worship except You are One & Only without any partner and I bear witness that Sayyidina Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam is Your servant and Your Messenger (O Allah!) Please do not leave me to myself,


Ahad Naamah
Ahad Naamah



Takilni Ilaa Nafsi Tuqarribni Ilash Sharri Watubaa Idnee Minal Khayri Wa Inni Laa Attakilo Illa Birahmatika Faj Alli Indaka Ahadan Tuwaffihi Ilaa Yawmil Qiyaamati Innaka Laa Tukhlifulmiyaad. Wa Sallallaahu Ta’alaa Alaa Khayri Khalqihi Muhammadinw Wa Aalihi Wa As-haabihi Aajmain. Birahmatika Yaa Arhamar Raahimeen. Lawlaa Izdakhalta Jannataka Qulta Maashaaa Allahu Laahawla Walaa Quwwata Illa Billah.

Translation: Because if You abandon me to my desires I might be drawn towards evil and away from goodness and I have no support except Your Mercy So accept my promise with You to be kept till the Day of Judgement Truly, You never break a promise And may the blessings of Allah, The Exalted be on his best creation Sayyidina Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam and on his family and all companions (O Allah! Accept this prayer) With Your Mercy, O The Most Merciful of those who show mercy.


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